Examination of Conscience using the Lord's Prayer
By Diane Laney Fitzpatrick, stay-at-home parents feature writer (visit the website).
A former newspaper reporter and editor, Diane Laney Fitzpatrick has three children in high school and college, making her an expert in parenting, multi-tasking and do-overs. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Kent State University, worked as a reporter for daily newspapers for 10 years, and was editor of weekly newspapers in Cleveland before becoming a stay-at-home mom and freelance writer. She's done a multitude of volunteer projects at schools, her church, and for the homeless, minorities, women's issues, and political causes. Diane and her family have lived in six states in the past 20 years, making her intimately familiar with moving and relocating families. She currently lives in and writes from Jupiter, Florida. |
The artwork on this website and in the Sacramental Preparation resource is by Mark Hakomaki. Visit the website.
Mark is a former design florist who now operates a commercial art studio in Pine City, Minnesota. His work has been used to illustrate Catholic texts such as The Growing Faith Project and Into the Fields, among others. Mark has a bachelor's degree in Music from the University of Minnesota. |
Coloring Pages
The coloring pages in the Sacramental Preparation resource are from two main sources.
The first is this website. The coloring pages are absolutely free to anyone for the asking. Simply send us a note and request them. Or you may also download them yourself at the site above. The lessons offered by this web resource are all excellent and suitable for most Catholic uses. They are also available in Spanish. The second main source is this web site. Again, we are making these available at no charge whatsoever, and encourage you to visit this website for more information. |
The translations of Bible stories into plain English, the prayer celebrations, the activities, the scope and sequence, the parent coaching and catechist guide pages, the take home activities, the web site, and all other components of our resources were written and designed by the Team at, which owns the copyright on that portion of this work.
From time to time, inspiration for our work came from a variety of sources, including parish leaders, parents, various Catholic web sites, and others. Growing Up Catholic is a shared resource to be used by the Church. The cost being charged covers only our operations and production, and does not include any more than that. |