Session Review
Sin & Forgiveness
Even when we disobey the rules, God still loves us!
Rite of Reconciliation
- Penance is a task the priest gives us after we confess, to help us turn away from sin and back to God. It might be saying a prayer or other action.
- You should perform your penance as soon after confession as possible.
From Papa Francis: Everyone Needs ReconciliationIn Lent 2014, Pope Francis presided at a reconciliation service and was expected to start hearing confessions along with 61 priests. But he surprised his master of ceremonies (and many others) by first going to one of the priests at an open confessional to confess himself.
Just beforehand he preached about the call to conversion: “It is the call to change one’s life. Conversion is not a matter of a moment or a year, is a commitment that lasts a lifetime. Who among us can be assumed not to be a sinner? No one.” |