Session 2: At Home This Week
Review |
We Listen to the Readings & the HomilyIn this session, we focused on God's Word and how we listen to it during Mass in the Liturgy of the Word.
Start with a review with your child. Look through the handouts with your child, asking what he or she remembers or has questions about.
This week in Mass, help your child recognize what's happening during the Liturgy of the Word.
Treasure Hunt |
Learning About the BibleYour at home activity this week is a treasure hunt puzzle. It's a fun way for you and your child to learn how to find things in the Bible. You can find it on the last page of both the child's and parent's pages for this week. The parent's page has the answers, but don't look at them unless you get stuck. If you lost the puzzle page, download it here.
Learn More |
The CreedWhen you say the creed, don't be a robot...